Weekly Review

“Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new.”
— Albert Einstein
1 week of school completion happened on Friday 1:15 pm. A lot of unusual yet essential things happen during this week. I will share my experience this week.
🏫School’s mission: prevent COVID🦠
Ireland’s Taoiseach (Prime Minister) announced the closure of many activities on 12th March such as:
- Schools, colleges, and childcare facilities close
- Cultural institutions closed
- Indoor gatherings of more than 100 people should be canceled
- Outdoor gatherings of more than 500 people should be canceled
- People should continue to go to work, but those who can work from home should do so
- Shops, cafes, and restaurants to stay open
WATCH: Full speech by Taoiseach Leo Varadkar as the country’s schools, colleges and childcare facilities are to close in response to the Covid-19 pandemic | Read more: https://t.co/0dZzTUDn4s pic.twitter.com/URGFZUb2jn
— RTÉ News (@rtenews) March 12, 2020
From 12th March till Schools re-opening 1st September, Education institutions had a lot of time for understanding, planning, preparing, and executing COVID-measures. Institutions had to sanitize the whole building, install hand sanitizing vending machines for each room. Formulating ideas to prevent mass gatherings during break/lunchtime. I’d say my college faired well.
😲Major Changes
The changes were not surprising, rather it was expected or predictable to say the least. Some of the changes were:
- 🧼Hand Sanitizer Manual Machines in every classroom
- 🪑Square tables for each student
- One meter apart from the other table
- 🚪Students must sanitize their hands and only then, enter the classroom
- 🌱Base classrooms
- 🚧Designated common areas (to sit and eat during break time) for each Year
- 😷Compulsory to wear Wear Face Masks or face visors
👩🏫Class Tutors
Having a lot of information to pass to the pupils, Portlaoise College came up with the concept called
“Class Tutoring for 2 hours from 9 am to 11 am.”
Portlaoise College, Secondary-School;
Each forum was designated with one class tutor. The class tutor’s primary role is to explain the rules and guidelines of the COVID-measure. The secondary role was to make students feel better, by discussing with students about how they spend their holidays? What new things did they learn? All that sort of Jazz. I liked the concept because of two main reasons:

Free class is big reflief, when those subjects are brain teasers. According to my Time Table, the first two periods I had challenging subjects like French, Maths, Techincal graphics (artichetual drawing). Class Tutoring overided the first two periods, therfore I didn’t worry about those subject for this week

Disscusion among the class was classy yet orginal way to I felt this composed all the students